Last year I signed on to Campus Camping Club. We didn't go on actual camping, unfortunately--just to the cabins an hour away. We go twice a year, with an optional trip during the summer months.
Having just attended the summer one, I have to say, hands-down, it's my favourite. It goes like this:
Being in our early twenties, we drank ourselves out of our livers and stayed up into the wee hours of the morning on our last night. The super came along and told us to pipe the fuck down, so we all retreated indoors to polish off our mickeys and two sixes in bed. Boys went to one room, girls to the other. We had a blast for a while. At some point we tired, though, and conversation nosedived.
The girl below my bunk was snoring lightly. Who was that under me? I couldn't remember. It could have been Rhianna or Jaquie or Lyn. I didn't know all the girls too well yet--I'd only been on so many trips with them--but I liked them, despite them having a wide range of personalities. Rhianna was quiet to the point you thought she was prim, proper, and terribly timid, but then she would slyly slip a comment into conversation that was so smooth in delivery I found myself tearing up with laughter. Jacquie was nice, buoyant, cute in a provocative way. She reminded me of Betty Boop meets Scarlet Johansson and acts like Lucille Ball. Lyn was
so outgoing that you did not suffer a moment of quiet in her presence (or, in some people's minds, a moment of peace). She had an alpha presence, a good sense of humor, and was born without a filter. Whenever she got drunk, that fact became more apparent. She'd ripped a few out of me here and there, but in such a way I was smiling by the end of it.
Whoever it was was deep in sleep. Or so I thought. Suddenly I was focused on her breath. Realization was dawning. She wasn't breathing deeply; she was panting.